Tuesday, August 23, 2011

The best and brightest

Hello all,

The petro plant.  There has been an immense amount of discussion on the option of plants producing fuel.  Corn, for example, is used to make ethanol and works well for that purpose but affects the food source.  Vegetable oil from various plants, another example, affects the food source of animal feed.  Food source affects are valid reasons not to pursue this as a total replacement of our transportation energy needs.  Affecting the world food supply is a huge deal, but wait there's more.

Native to many countries the Jatophra plant is the answer to affects on the food source. It is actually defined as a weed in many countries and is poisonous to eat.  In Australia, up until 2010, jatophra plant was band from import.  After a large lobby for it's use in their biodiesel industry it became legal to import, cultivate, and grow.

Jatophra plant plantations have popped up all over the world. In Vietnam, Shell has a 24,000 acre farm that is growing 100% jatophra.  In Africa, in the famine ravaged, poor, adjunct poverty stricken countries are being taught to grow this plant as an export good.  This plant will grow in most hot environments and does not need a substantial amount of water to survive. It will also survive light frosts on occasion because it is such a hardy plant that can even grow out of rocks.

This is a great example of alternatives available to food impactual petroplants.  It actually produces more oil than any other plant being used for that purpose.


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