Thursday, August 18, 2011


I'll just tell you upfront, I am a fan of the biodiesel.  The company owns a 360 gal/day processor. It is our pride and joy! We can produce our own energy/fuel to operate our transport company. It's the beginning of a little private gas station out there in North Shreveport.


Here some additional info:
Courtesy of 
The Ethical Side of Renewable Diesel

As appealing as it is for the world to find efficient alternatives to petroleum fuel, using grains as raw stock in biodiesel production has faced challenges. The “food for fuel” debate claims these grains should go to feed third world countries rather than be used to produce fuel, and more recently, studies suggest the sudden rush to clear forested land to plant grains for biofuel production is actually increasing greenhouse gas emissions rather than lowering them.

Rendered fats offer a perfect feedstock for the production of alternative fuels and a way around these challenges. Because its raw stock is recycled from collected food waste products, the biofuels produced from rendered grease will not diminish the food supply and does not require fertile land space be cleared to produce it.

Renewable energy and biofuels won’t necessarily cure the U.S. of our dependency on foreign oil, but it's one piece in the puzzle of solving that dependency. Darling’s role in alternative fuel production and renewable energy, along with other promising uses for our products, will be developed while we continue to provide the services and process the same material that we have for the past century.    

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